Tuesday 29 April 2008

Scrap Book

Here are a few tracks of mine/ours that I doubt will ever come out.

This one is disjointed/weird - a messed up structure, confusing in many ways, and for no good reason really. It's fun if nothing else

Joe and Will Ask? - Patched Bleep Melody


This one didn't quite make the mark in my opinion, and since I accidentally deleted the project file, it won't ever get any better. Maybe you like it more than us?

Joe and Will Ask? - B


And here, an old(ish) number of ours. We love playing it in our live set, but no-one really seems so fussed about it - maybe we should take the hint? Anyway, it's a kind of melodic synthy number with comically minimal beats and slap-dash production but for some reason the chords work nicely to me

Joe and Will Ask? - 9 @ 130


1 comment:

Unknown said...

don't stop playing 9 @ 1.30!! I love it personally! x